A Letter to a father...

Posted by Chantz , Thursday, April 8, 2010 4:46 PM

Since I was a little girl, you always disappointed me, guess I should be used to it by now... But you know what, Im not, I always try and see the good in you, always trying to be Daddies little girl… I forgave you when you forget my 16th Birthday and only a week after you said happy 15th, I forgave you for not having a healthy relationship that will actually last more then a few years, without you cheating on them, and making me get used to an idée of a new step mom…

I know I stepped out of line when I said that I hated you, and that I refused to speak to you for more then 8months… and I am sorry about that.

Yesterday I thought you changed, you even remembered my birthday, I was so excited that you said you will come past today and say Happy Birthday… From 15:00 I was waiting and now you only tell me you won’t make it because you are busy, after 21 years, don’t you think that you can make time for your daughter just this once???

2 Response to "A Letter to a father..."

Anonymous Says:

I'm sorry. I know what it's like to have a father that never follows through, and makes you feel like you don't matter at all. Sometimes, when I was a teenager, I just wanted to scream at him "do you even love me?!" I made peace with him once I stopped expecting things from him, but that took time and personal growth.

Just know that you're not alone.

Chantz Says:

Thanks Lilly...

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