Posted by Chantz , Monday, March 8, 2010 1:14 PM

When I was at school, I was always the one that wanted to please everyone, and keep everyone happy, at school it might have made you a lot of friends, but in the real world, life doesn’t work that way.

I found that out the hard way, I am so used to doing what I thought other people would like and accept me for; that I never for one moment though of what I really want???

I was so used to doing what other people thought best that I did not know how to identify what I wanted to do. The responses I usually get is that either “The market is flooded”, or “Oh, where have I heard that before”, and my personal favorite, “Lets talk in a months time; you will have changed your mind by then.” You know what, that is the reason I change my mind the whole time, because I don’t want the shitty office position or that “respectable” sales position, the normal 9 – 5 just does not work for me!!

So heres the thing, I will study further, and NO I am not going to study sales or accounting, I will study Graphic Design and Advertising, and keep my job for another year, don’t think I will die of working here, might get locked up for murdering some one though. Then I will make a success of my self!!! I will be the best damn advertiser and Designer you have ever seen ;). Then after a few years of wreaking havoc on earth with my weird ideas, hee hee, I will open my coffee shop!!! My “New York” coffee shop…

I will stop worrying about peoples opinions of me! This is me, and I am happy they way I am!!!

You know why I am going to do all this???


3 Response to "ITS MY LIFE, AND I WANT A HAPPY ONE!!!"

Em Herbert Says:

I like you just the way you are too! Do what makes you Happy Chick and i'm sure what ever you do it will be wonderful and a huge success!


Johana Hill Says:

That's the spirit. Keep it up.

Don't let others dictate your life.

I left you an award on my blog. Go get it! ;p

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